IAW – Convert/Revert Day


Assalamu alaikum everyone! We kick off  IAW 2024 with the Convert/Revert Day. Various converts/reverts will share their inspiring experiences and stories. It will be a special opportunity to listen to […]


Lecture: Profeet Muhammed VZMH by Ustaadh Abdurazaq- NL

EOS N.01.630 Heyendaalseweg 141, Nijmegen

Assalamu alaikum community, Islamdocent en Spreker Ustaadh Abdurazaq zal de tweede activiteit van IAW 2024 verzorgen met een lezing over de Profeet Muhammed VZMH. De Profeet Muhammed (VZMH) is niet […]


IAW Lunch at Student Church

RU Studentenkerk Erasmuslaan 9a, Nijmegen

Assalamu alaikum dear community, We extend a warm invitation to our final gathering for this year's Islam Awareness Week! Join us for our IAW Lunch, a wonderful finale of celebrations […]


General Members meeting

EOS N.01.180 Heyendaalseweg 141, Nijmegen

‼️MEMBERS ONLY‼️ The General Members Meeting is coming up! We invite all members to participate in this meeting. This way you can find out more about what is going on […]

Pizza Picknick

Park Brakkenstein Nijmegen

  Assalamu alaikoum everyone, As the year comes to an end, we warmly invite you to our final activity - a Pizza Picknick! This is a great opportunity to relax […]

Algemene Leden Vergadering

EOS N.01.560 Heyendaalseweg 141, Nijmegen

‼ALLEEN VOOR LEDEN‼ Assalamualaikum! De Algemene Ledenvergadering komt eraan. Wij nodigen alle leden uit om deel te nemen aan deze vergadering. Zo kom je meer te weten over wat er […]

Meet MSV

MSV kantoor Heyendaalseweg 141, Nijmegen

Assalamu alaikoum everyone, As we start the new academic year and settle into our routines, we are excited to invite you to our very first event: Meet MSV! Join us […]